Clara-Pensions reaches agreement for Sears Retail Pension Scheme to enter into pension superfund
- Sears’ c. 9,600 Scheme members will become the first to enter a UK pension Superfund as they begin their journey to an insured buyout - Clara to provide £30m of new capital to increase the security of members’ benefit

Clara is pleased to enter into this agreement with the Trustees of the Sears Scheme to transfer the members into its superfund. This transfer is in the best interests of all members of the Sears Scheme. The immediate day-one capital support of £30m will materially improve the security of members’ benefits and is a major step forward in the members’ journey to an insured buyout."
Lynne Rawcliffe on behalf of Law Debenture Pension Trust Corporation plc, as a Trustee Director of the Clara-Pension Trust.