What happens at Law Debenture's AGM?
Attending an Annual General Meeting (AGM) can feel daunting. At Law Debenture we love to welcome our shareholders in person or online to our AGM. Here we give you an idea of what happens on the day.

10:30am – Attendees are welcomed with tea and coffee. Your attendance must be registered with our registrar who also provides voting instructions to shareholders, proxies and corporate representatives, who wish to vote on the day. Instructions on how to vote and who may vote are provided here.
11:00am – The AGM begins with opening remarks by the Chair of the AGM, followed by presentations from the Executive and Investment Manager
11:30am – Questions relating to the business of the AGM are invited from shareholders, proxies and corporate representatives, followed by a vote on the resolutions being put to the meeting. Should you wish to submit questions in advance of the meeting, please send to TSU.cosec@lawdeb.com
12:00pm – The AGM closes and attendees are invited to enjoy some light refreshments and an opportunity to mingle with members of the Board, our Executive and the Investment Manager
Should you have any queries or required further information, please contact our Group Company Secretary at general@lawdeb.com