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  • The Sixth Annual LawDeb Lens

The Sixth Annual LawDeb Lens

Each year I am more impressed with the entries to our LawDeb Lens competition. This year, seeing the wide range of interpretations of the categories Environmental; Social and Governance was fascinating as we work to incorporate ESG into activities across the business. We understand the impact we can have on our community and recognise the value this brings our clients and our colleagues. Having ESG as the theme of the competition encouraged open discussion amongst guests of exactly how ESG impacts their business, and how LawDeb can help. Holding our event over two nights allowed us to welcome over 160 guests who are contacts from across our business. Increasingly we are discovering that clients from different business areas are coming to LawDeb for a range of services and events like this allow us to facilitate introductions and conversations in an enjoyable environment. I was thrilled not to be a judge this year given how hard they found it to choose just 3 winners. It was however great to vote on the night for the ‘Best in Show’ category and see just how evenly split we all were. Huge congratulations to our winners and I look forward to doing it all again next year.

Denis Jackson, Chief Executive Officer
  • Frog on the Run

    1 / 15 | Winner - Environmental - Phil Symes

  • All in the Round

    2 / 15 | Winner - Social - Simon Lee

  • "He who commands the sea has command of everything" (Themistocles)

    3 / 15 | Winner - Governance - Charlotte Drake

  • Axel Heiberg Glacier looking towards Ross Ice Shelf Antarctica

    4 / 15 | Shortlisted - Environmental - Arabella Slinger

  • A Seat at the Table

    5 / 15 | Shortlisted - Environmental - Parit Patani

  • The Power of Natural Beauty

    6 / 15 | Shortlisted - Environmental - Fuat Sami

  • Crossing - Busy Junction, Rush Hour

    7 / 15 | Shortlisted - Social - Matt Hinxman

  • There’s Some Lovely Filth Down ‘Ere - Monthy Python

    8 / 15 | Shortlisted - Social - Mike Smedley

  • Kyiv velodrome ……….. before 24 February

    9 / 15 | Shortlisted - Social - Jonathan Isted

  • Trust the foundations

    10 / 15 | Shortlisted - Governance - Sara Leacroft

  • Gaze of Authority

    11 / 15 | Shortlisted and winner of Best in Show vote - Governance - Liam Davis

  • Asset Management

    12 / 15 | Shortlisted - Governance - Iain Collins

  • A Bee in the Urban City

    13 / 15 | Winner - Staff Competition - Environment - Vincent Tai (CSS)

  • Dance the Night Away

    14 / 15 | Winner - Staff Competition - Social - Tasneem- Zohura Alom (Legal)

  • In Memoriam

    15 / 15 | Winner - Staff Competition - Governance - Mike Ironside (Pegasus)

  • 1 / 12 | Shortlisted entries on display

  • 2 / 12 | Welcoming guests to our London office

  • 3 / 12 | CEO Denis Jackson announcing the winners

  • 4 / 12 | In full flow

  • 5 / 12 | Safecall and Corporate Trust team members welcoming guests

  • 6 / 12 | Heated discussion around which photos to vote for

  • 7 / 12 | Discussing the exhibition

  • 8 / 12 | Catching up with clients

  • 9 / 12 | Enjoying the event

  • 10 / 12 | Corporate Trust team members and guests

  • 11 / 12 | Cheers!

  • 12 / 12 | Head of BD Suzy Walls welcoming guests